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Information storage and light display




Brief Bio

Fei Wu, female, Ph.D., associate professor, was born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in April 1975. She acquired the PHD degree in Computer Architecture from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2005. From May 2010 to May 2011, she worked in data storage center at Carnegie Mellon University in the United States as a visiting scholar. Now she is a senior member of China Computer Federation and a member of the Information Storage Committee. She has hosted and participated in Chenguang Talent Program of Wuhan City, "3551" Talent Project, “973” projects, “863” projects and several National Science Foundation of China key projects. She was awarded the Technology Invention Second Prize of Hubei Province and the Scientific and Technological Progress Third Prize of Wuhan City. She has published more than 30 articles, of which more than 20 articles listed in the three major indexes. She owned three invention patents and two software copyrights. Her current research mainly focuses on novel data storage method, solid-state storage and green storage. She has in-depth research and extensive experience in the high-speed data interface, data channels, FPGA design, data error correction algorithms, data formats and organizational strategies.

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